Friday, June 29, 2012

Port of Anacortes, Washington wins NOAA Award

PORT of ANACORTES WINS NOAA’S WALTER B. JONES AWARD for excellence in local government. The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration has announced winners of the 2012 Walter B. Jones Awards for Excellence in Coastal and Ocean Management. These awards honor the individuals and organizations that have made a difference by dedicating countless hours and energy to conserving coastal resources and improving coastal communities throughout America. Awarded every two years, the awards were created to honor the late 11-term Congressman Walter B. Jones of North Carolina. As chairman of the House Merchant Marine & Fisheries Committee, Congressman Jones was a strong supporter of the National Marine Fisheries Service and the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. He provided leadership on numerous legislative initiatives addressing coastal and ocean issues such as commercial shipping, oil spill clean-up & prevention and flood insurance reform. The Port of Anacortes was nominated to receive an award by Kay Reinhardt, Padilla Bay Foundation Administrator. Their project was a restoration of coastline in Anacortes visited by citizens of the area and out of town visitors. It adjoins the Cap Sante Boat Haven and Seafarers’ Memorial Park. Formerly the area was derelict and possessed toxins underwater in soils long ago contaminated during the decades under which plywood mills and tangent industries were operated. The restoration recovers shoreline configuration to encourage habitation of forage fish and sea grasses, with a gradual shoreline welcoming to use by people and critters alike. It’s a comprehensive project which could be replicated elsewhere; one of the award’s criteria. For more about the Walter B. Jones Awards for 2012, please visit NOAA online.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mark Your Calendars for Our Monthly Webinar Meetings!

Based on feedback from all of you, we will be hosting monthly webinar meetings of the Friends and Foundations.  They will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 2:00 - 3:00 Eastern Time.  Each webinar will follow the structure that we have been using over the past few months and will include -

  • a few minutes for updates and news, 
  • a review or presentation on the topic identified for the meeting, 
  • followed by time for discussion to share what is happening at your organization/reserve and learn what is happening at other reserves.  
The goals of the meetings will be to - 
  • Provide a regular opportunity to connect with each other;
  • Share information and knowledge with each other to foster growth and learning;
  • Provide input for NERRA on how we can help on a national/regional level.  
We will begin our series on Tuesday, June 19th at 2:00pm Eastern Time.  The topic of this month's meeting is Marketing.  We hope that you will be able to join us!  More information on this meeting will follow next week.