Monday, November 28, 2011

President Signs FY12 Budget for NERRS!

The FY12 budget (which is the money going to each reserve starting July 1, 2012) has been passed!
The NERRS received the NERRA requested amounts of $22.3M for operations and $1.69M for contstruction and aquisition.
We are now starting to work on funding for FY13. Congress will begin hearings early in 2012 and the President will anounce his suggested funding levels in early Febraury.
Stay tuned. . .
(thanks, Kay, for the post and support!)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Super Achievement

The recent news regarding the Congressional funding level for the NERRS in 2012 is surprisingly sweet. During this incredibly difficult period, NERRA's advocacy and the visits to the 'Hill' by Reserve Managers telling their stories, has yielded a remarkable achievement. Kudos to all involved!
- Kay Reinhardt

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

GTM NERR's Sate of the Reserve Case Study

The State of the Reserve is an annual event that began in 2010 at GTM NERR. The afternoon program highlights the past year of outstanding research, stewardship, and education at GTM NERR and is an opportunity to share our work and show our appreciation to our local communities, partners, and stakeholders.

We ask that all of our 'stake holders' aka anyone who has been influenced or cooperated with the reserve to please join us for an afternoon of presentations followed by a local food and wine reception and poster session. For more information and to RSVP please see the link below.